lundi 14 octobre 2013

Ch 6 - Consumer decision making

The apple store is one of the successful products of Apple inc. Thousands of applications are submitted and downloaded  every day. Applications are developed according to the need and interest of the consumers. Those applications can be purchased or downloaded from the desktop iTunes App store and the mobile App Store on the iOS devices such as iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.
Consumers on the App store are behaving differently depending on the unit they are using.
Young consumers with lower income purchase apps more frequently than those with higher income.
While buying the apps, consumers consider also the screenshots, the description and the rating of the apps. Consumers are attracted by visual elements that they are already familiar with, like famous logos, fonts, names and colors.  Most of the consumers found the iTunes app store messy and confusing. They prefer using the App store because they found found it to be a good mixture of both iTunes and iPhone app store but also because it has a lot of options to consider.


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